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  • Writer's pictureTori

Hawaii Travel Guide

Hi friends! If you have been following my blog over the past year or so, you know that I changed website platforms, and not all my blogs got transferred over to this one. I kind of used this site as a fresh, more professional start. (I will explain that in an upcoming blog post).

I am bringing over some of my favorite blogs from my old site and this one is about one of my favorite vacations.

Last summer, I finally got to go to Hawaii!! Since I was little, my dream vacation was always to go to Hawaii, and it finally came true! Last July, I was lucky enough to go to the island of Kauai with some of my wonderful family.

Hanalei was a town close to where we were staying.
Hanalei was a town close to where we were staying.

The island was GORGEOUS!

I'll DEFINITELY make sure I have a nice camera next time.

Where We Stayed:

We rented a condo from AirBnB in Princeville, which is north Kauai. In my opinion, AirBnB is the best way to go if you have a big group of people.

There was a place in Hanelei called The Wishing Well (the first picture) that sold amazing shaved iced and acaii bowls that we went to every day.

Most of the beaches we went to were protected by coral reefs so that you could snorkel, but the first beach we went to had a section of the beach that was closed off by rocks and it was like a little pool in the ocean. I am terrified of sharks so this made me feel safe haha.

I bought this bathing suit cover up at Francesca’s specifically for this trip. I loved that it says, Shell Yeah!

While I love all beaches, I LOVE when the water isn’t freezing cold. The water in Kauai was perfect temperature. I swam in the ocean a lot which I don’t normally do.  

Swim Suits:

The first suit that I wore in Hawaii is from Target. In my opinion, Target has the best swim suits for the quality and price. The suit I am wearing below was only $33 total! I’ve been wanting a cute yet simple black swim suit so this one is perfect for me.

The second swim suit that I wore in Hawaii was from JC Penney’s. While, I don’t usually find a lot of clothes I like at JC Penney, I love this bathing suit that I bought there. its super comfy and colorful.

Something else we did on the island was zip lining. The company we went with was called Just Live! Zip line Tours. I was nervous at first but after the first couple runs I got used it and had so much fun.

It was a tree top zip line so it was beautiful being up in the trees. I would definitely recommend you do this if you get the chance if you go to Kauai. Our guides made the experience that much better because of how fun and confident they were.

During the tour they let us swing on these swings in the trees.

What I wore:

While I did pack 3 or 4 nicer outfits, island life is super casual and we went beach hopping everyday so I mostly just wore t-shirts, tank tops, and shorts. I also brought this pretty kimono that doubled as a swim suit cover up.

Like I said before, t-shirts were my go to on this vacation so you most likely won’t need to bring more than one or two nicer outfits unless you plan to go out every night.

Below is the one nice outfit I wore on a night we went out to dinner. After wearing beach clothes all week it was nice to get a little dressed up and put on makeup. I love how green it was everywhere on the island and how many trees and plants there were.

A couple of nights we were there we got to go out to dinner at nice restaurants RIGHT on the beach, and I ordered some fancy drinks.

The restaurants are kind of pricy but so worth it! We even went to one that was just steps from the beach.

When I think of Hawaii I think of Luaus, so I really wanted to attend one while we were there. On our last night there while going to go watch the sunset over the ocean, we ended up at a private luau and we were given leis because they thought we were part of the party.. haha whoops. I finally got my leis though!

This week in Kauai, Hawaii was one of the most relaxing weeks of my life. Being there really helps you slow down and enjoy life without the stress. Have you been to Hawaii? If so which Island did you go to? I want to go to Maui next! Thanks for reading and feel free to comment below.


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