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  • Writer's pictureTori

My Nature Experience

Have you experienced the healing powers of nature? Over the weekend I experienced this. Don't get me wrong, I am definitely a city girl and prefer the city life. That being said, I still love being outdoors and enjoying nature however that may be.

Back to the healing powers of nature. This past weekend I was sick. I had a fever, no energy, and just wasn't feeling good. Of all weekends to get sick, I get sick over a holiday weekend. After spending most of my time indoors sleeping and watching Netflix, I decided some fresh air might be good for me. So, I grabbed a chair, picked a good podcast on my phone, and headed out to my porch.

After sitting out there for a while, I started to feel better and more refreshed. While my fever hadn't broken yet, I just felt more relaxed and could feel my body start to heal. I felt a little lighter, and I came back inside feeling 5 times better than I was feeling when I was just cooped up inside.

Now that the weather is getting warmer and the sun is staying up longer, I'll definitely be having more porch sessions. From eating lunch outside to even getting some work done on my laptop, there are so many ways I can enjoy getting out of the house and making use of enjoying time on my porch.

Another one of my favorite outdoor spots is a park here in Flagstaff called Buffalo Park. There's wide open trails to stroll and even some to hike. The views are amazing, too.

What are some of your favorite ways to enjoy being outdoors while soaking up the sun and fresh air?

Thanks for reading!

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